

Did you know that there are tax credits specifically for parents? Read on to learn more.

Questions and answers

Deductions and credits

Tax credits for parents

Non-refundable tax credit

Tax credit for children’s activities

The tax credit for children’s activities is a refundable tax credit you can claim for an eligible child’s physical, artistic, cultural or recreational activities.

Non-refundable tax credit

Tax credit for childcare expenses

If you have an eligible child, you can claim a refundable tax credit for your childcare expenses. To be eligible, your child must be under 16 at some point in the year or be your or your spouse’s dependant because of a mental or physical infirmity (regardless of age). The credit is based on your family income (your income plus your spouse’s, if applicable).

Non-refundable tax credit

Transfer of credits between spouses

You can transfer the unused part of your non-refundable tax credits to your spouse on December 31 in order to reduce their income tax. To do so, both of you must file a tax return.

Non-refundable tax credit

Amount for a person living alone

The amount for a person living alone reduces your income tax. You may be eligible if, throughout the year, you lived alone or only with people under 18 or your children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren 18 or over who were full-time students pursuing vocational training at the secondary level or post-secondary studies.

Non-refundable tax credit

Additional amount for a person living alone (single-parent family)

You can claim the additional amount for a person living alone (single-parent family) if you are entitled to the amount for a person living alone and, at some point in the year, you lived with a child 18 or over who can transfer an amount for a child 18 or over enrolled in post-secondary studies to you (or would be able to if they had no income). However, you must not have been eligible for the Family Allowance paid by Retraite Québec for the month of December.

Non-refundable tax credit

Amount transferred by a child 18 or over enrolled in post-secondary studies

If you are the parent of a child born before January 1, 2007, who was a full-time student in 2024 pursuing vocational training at the secondary level or post-secondary studies, your child may be able to transfer an amount to you. Your child must have received an RL-8 slip with an amount in box A.

Non-refundable tax credit

Tax credit for tuition or examination fees transferred by a child

Students can transfer all or part of their tax credit for tuition or examination fees for 2024 to one of their or their spouse’s parents or grandparents

Non-refundable tax credit

Amount for other dependants

This amount reduces your income tax. You can claim it if you had one or more dependants during the year and they did not transfer an amount for a child 18 or over enrolled in post-secondary studies to you.


Tax tools for parents – Income tax


Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses: Application for Advance Payments

Complete this form to apply for advance payments of the tax credit for childcare expenses.

Online services

My Account for individuals

Use the services in My Account for individuals to apply for advance payments of the tax credit for childcare expenses and much more.


Pages for parents and future parents

As a parent or future parent, there are obligations and tax benefits that apply to you.


Pages for single-parent families

As a single parent, there are obligations and tax benefits that apply to you.

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Sales tax and income tax: fair for all
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