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Aidant png


Do you take care of a person 18 or over who has a mental or physical impairment because of which they need assistance in carrying out a basic activity of daily living? Do you take care of and live with someone aged 70 or over? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, you are a caregiver. We’re here to help you learn more about the tax credits you may be able to claim.

Questions and answers

Deductions and credits

Tax credits for caregivers

Refundable tax credit

Tax credit for caregivers

You may be eligible for the tax credit for caregivers if you provided care free of charge to a person 18 or over who has a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions because of which they need assistance in carrying out a basic activity of daily living, or if you live with and take care of someone (other than your spouse) who is 70 or over.

Non-refundable tax credit

Amount for medical expenses

The amount for medical expenses reduces your income tax. You may be eligible for it if you or your spouse paid medical expenses for one of you or a dependant in a 12-month period ending in the year. If you claim it, you may also be able to claim a refundable tax credit for medical expenses.

Non-refundable tax credit

Amount for medical expenses not available in your area

The amount for medical expenses not available in your area reduces your income tax. You may be eligible for it if you paid travel or lodging expenses to get medical treatment for yourself, your spouse or a dependant that is not available within 200 km of your home.


Tax tools for caregivers


Certificate of Ongoing Assistance (TP-1029.AN.A-V)

This form certifies that you provide ongoing assistance to a person with an impairment who is not related to you. It must be renewed every three years after you claim the tax credit for caregivers for the first time.

Online services

My Account for individuals

You can use the services in My Account for individuals to apply for advance payments of the tax credit for caregivers and more.


Pages for caregivers

If you are a caregiver, go to our website to learn more about the benefits you may be entitled to.

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